Stand Tall and Resolute

The title offers my best advice to aspiring fans of Temple athletics. As if the viewing experience weren't an adequate deterrent, the Owl Club (or Athletic Department) have determined that last year's campaign of 20 losses (a school first) merits higher ticket prices and an extension of a seat license surcharge(I know, I'm supposed to refer to it as a contribution to the university) that would make sense if the seat, once vacated, were  resold. The resale of the seat is as likely as Temple restoring its gymnastics and baseball programs as varsity sports. That's a discussion for another forum, along with the state of the men's soccer program. For now, let's enjoy the successes of the women's athletic squads.

After a 10-month hiatus from blogging, Chronicowls is back. For how long is as much up to the readers as it is to the author. Once again, your comments are welcome - actually, they're invited.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think they'll be restoring programs any time soon. Rather, I'd expect to see other non-revenue sports (hmmm, aren't all of Temple's sports non-revenue?) bite the dust because of the cost of membership in the AAC. There are few cheap trips on the schedule for any sport. The only trip on which we flew in four years of Temple soccer was to Pittsburgh. To play in the AAC requires flights to Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, Oklahoma, two schools in Texas and two schools in Floria. Has that doubled-tripled-quadrupled the budget for most teams? And will Temple continue to subsidize that travel?